1、香港今期开奖特马资料 全文阅读part1:赫思cad工具下载-赫思cad插件下载最新版
1."One with , 000 becomes a higher-impact solution.", "另一个能省一千元的则变成一个有较大影响的方案了。
2.香港今期开奖特马资料 "We are puzzled by the pervious to water, the underground coal seam fire prevention, the question of deep zone mining and coal mining from incidence in Jixi.", "透水、地下煤层防灭火、深部开采问题、大倾角采煤已经成为困扰鸡西煤炭开采的技术问题。
3."The Group will consider ways to comprehensively address climate change and boost energy efficiency and clean production, with a focus on developing countries.", "该委员会将考虑如何全面地阐述气候变化以及推动能源效率和清洁生产事业,讨论的重点将围绕发展中国家。
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1.香港今期开奖特马资料 "In order to enhance security level in the data transfers, matrix scrambling algorithm is used.", "为了加强数据传输时数字水印的安全性,使用了矩阵乱序加密方法;
2."To undertake other assignments designated by CPC province, provincial government and superior departments.", "承办省委、省政府和上级部门交办的工作。
3."Yang Fangyi urges caution.", "杨方义 呼吁需谨慎对待。